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  4. How to approve time-cards/punch-in/punch-out

How to approve time-cards/punch-in/punch-out

1) Login to your account and navigate to Time Clock –> Approve punch in/out and then select the target department.

Worktrim approve time card

2 ) After selecting department, you will be navigated to screen showing all employees/users in that department and pending time cards. Expand section to see all time data for a specific employee/user. Check the box next to all users with pending time cards to approve all of them at once or select them one at a time.

worktrim expand time card

3) Select each employee to view additional details about their time entry . You can optionally approve the time card directly from within the expanded section or select all check boxes for all entries and approve/disapprove.

worktrim approve time card
Updated on August 14, 2022

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